Friday, March 24, 2017

Burpee Burner Workout

Hey hey hey! Happy Thursday! Hope you’re having a wonderful morning. Sorry for disappearing on ya yesterday. I had my sleep study at the hospital last night, which sadly was not as restful as I imagined haha. My blogging schedule may be a bit sporadic over the next couple of weeks as we get ready to head out to Valdosta, but I’ll still be here as much as I can. Blogging > packing, but I guess I have to participate in this whole moving thing.

Today, I have an all-new workout and video for you, featuring everyone’s favorite exercise: burpees!

Ok, so I’ve always liked burpees in a weird way, but I know they’re not everyone’s fave. Love or loathe burpees, but I think we can agree that they feel pretty awesome when they’re over. Not only are burpees amazing for getting the heart rate up quickly, but they also work major muscle groups quickly, including leg power, upper body strength, and core stabilization. 

A total body burpee workout! Burpee blasts will fire up your heat rate and burn major calories. Save for the next time you want a killer strength and cardio workout!

Here’s a little workout I put together with burpee blasts for a higher calorie burn and fat blasting power.

Burpee Burner Workout:

A total body burpee workout! Burpee blasts will fire up your heat rate and burn major calories. Save for the next time you want a killer strength and cardio workout!

Form cues and tips:

Burpee: Sit into your squat and bring both hands to the floor, firmly planting your entire hand. Walk or hop back to a plank position (push-up here optional), walk or hop your feet back to your hands, and jump vertically, raising your arms overhead. For some ideas to change up your burpee sets, check out this post. Try to do a different burpee for each round in the workout if you’d like!

Weighted squat: Make sure your feet are underneath your shoulders (hip width or slightly wider is good) and toes slightly turned out. Focus on sitting back, while keeping your chest lifted and a tight core. Inhale to lower, exhale to rise. Make sure that your knees go towards your toes, but not far past your toes. Sink your hips as low as your flexibility allows, whether it’s a small squat, or to hips just above knee level. You can squat lower than knee level if it works for you, but generally it’s not something that I recommend. 

Curl and press: Holding a dumbbell, squeeze your biceps and exhale as you curl), inhale to bring the weights up to 90 degrees, and exhale to press up overhead. 

Deadlift to wide row: Hold a barbell, pair of dumbbells, or kettlebell, and stand with feet underneath your hips. Slowly hinge from your hips, tilting the hips back, keeping a flat back and long neck. Stop the weight just below your knees. Perform a wide row, bringing your elbows out to 90 degrees and squeezing your back muscles. Lower the weights, then exhale and squeeze your glutes to rise.

Front to lateral raise: Stand with your feet directly under your hip bones, abs contracted and chest proud. Exhale as you lift the weights forward to shoulder height and then outto the sides. Do not allow the weights to travel higher than your shoulders.

Weighted hip raise: Start on your back with legs bent and feet flat on the floor. Squeeze your glutes to lift your hips, keeping your upper back pressing into the floor. Lower down towards the floor (don’t touch it!) and exhale to rise back up. 

Toe taps: Keep everything else stable, your abs pulled in -if you feel anything pushing out, take it back and maybe just hold a tabletop position- as you lift each leg one at a time. Once this feels good and you maintain core stabilization, try toe drops. Start in table top and gently lower one toe towards the floor at a time. Make sure to breathe! 

Video demo of the exercises:


Please let me know if you give it a try!



*Congratulations to the winner of our sneaky giveaway on my last post: Katie! (The lucky lady has been emailed)


Video: Grant Hunker

Location: BreakOut Studios

Wearing: lululemon tank top, Fabletics tights, Nike sneakers



10 ways to burpee

15 minutes, 15 moves, total body workout

EMOM workout- only 15 minutes

The post Burpee Burner Workout appeared first on The Fitnessista.

from The Fitnessista

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